12000 x 9000 pixels
Executed in 2023 and minted on 11 March 2023. This work is unique and accompanied by a non-fungible token.
Pariahs is the fifteenth installment of the mainline Evil In Colour series. The Evil In Colour series tells stories of the Deville Crime Family and connected parties through art inspired by Pop Impressionism, which is a blend of the Pop Art, Impressionism and Realism movements.
Pariahs explores what is maybe the biggest question in the Evil In Colour series: “Are they devils because they’re evil, or evil because they’re devils?”
The Devilles are seen as outcasts by the rest of society. The very fact that they are devils may have led to their pariah status. With this being the case, what other choice do they have other than assuming that role?
Lott 7 of the auction.
Next Wave: The New York Edit showcases a curated group of artists at the forefront of digital art today. Working with a diverse range of mediums, spanning generative art and AI generated photography to on-chain art and digital abstract expressionism, each artist has crafted a signature style that is widely recognized in the digital art space.
The online auction for this exhibition was from 12 – 19 April 2023.