“The film uses Ips typography, a custom font based on the distinct hieroglyphic patterns the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) leaves behind after its devastation. The font is based on drawings of beetle patterns from bark, found as evidence of the beetle’s passage on a clear-cut: a plot of family land – bought in 1964 by my grandfather – that was home to a small forest until its demise in September 2019.”
Poem text:
Will the clock dissolve?
Did rain enjoy falling? Did
the hands truly love me? Did
the treetops know? Was
sadness what we wanted? Were
the fireflies warning us?
An online and physical survey/group show of text-based physical artworks by TheVERSEverse in partnership with L'Avant Galerie and Librairie Métamorphoses.
This is Part 2 of an exhibition. Part 1 "Poème Objkt", a conversation between poetry and the visual arts brought to life through the liminal play of the physical and the digital, opened in October 2022 at L’Avant Galerie Vossen.
2023 Crypto Art Award Shortlist, The Lumen Prize.