The Essence of Us - 1
The Essence of Us
Token ID
Nadieh Bremer
ETH nadieh.eth

Non-Fungible Castle 2022 explores how blockchain technology can be used to rediscover, share, and preserve our cultural identities. The exhibition created and exhibited NFTs to represent different artistic forms of expression, serving as a permanent cultural record and fostered a platform to discuss how the art world can use blockchain technology to celebrate our heritage, build a community of cultural stewards, and encourage storytelling to reconnect with our cultural roots.

Oct 27, 2022 - Nov 13, 2022
Lobkowicz Palace
Prague, Czech Republic

Type: Data Art Edition: 1/1 Size: 3840x2160 Year: 2022 ___________________ What is it that makes us human? Is there a human" culture? In the 1960s the "Drake equation" was formulated to try and estimate the number of intelligentcommunicatingalien civilizations in our Milky Way. Since then it has led scientists to question the very nature of ourselves by trying to understand problems such as the probability that a planet that can support life would actually develop it. Although many factors of the equation are highly uncertainleading to a wide range of possible answersthe very first educated guess made in the 60s estimated there to be in the order of 10000 civilizations. With the discovery of the first exoplanet in 1992a planet outside our Solar systemwe got a step closer to understanding more about our Universeand about ourselves. Since then almost 5100 exoplanets have been foundranging from massive giants to those that appear Earth-like and could possibly sustain life. This piece places usEarthat its center and "spins" all the 5084 exoplanets around it (discovered as of August 30th2022). Using the data gathered about the planet to determine its placement and appearancesuch as the planet's sizeorbital periodthe temperature of its (main) host starand more. These 5084 are only the very tip of the iceberg. With billions moreyet undiscovered planets in our Milky Wayit feels inevitable that we are not alone out here. Perhaps one of these discovered planets already has life flourishing on it. If we are indeed one of thousands of intelligent civilizations in our Milky Wayhow would other civilizations see us? What defines "human culture"? What is it that makes us human?"

Verify List
Jake Al-Haffar
ETH 0xDeb3d2C0a5436c03d3e777B514C9e7705BC9A040
Non-Fungible Castle
ETH lobkowicz.eth
Nadieh Bremer
ETH nadieh.eth