single-channel video
00:02:22 minutes (1440 x 2560 pixels)
Executed in 2023 and minted on 7 March 2023. This work is unique and accompanied by a non-fungible token.
the V01D/ 027-007 is a custom, written from scratch, generative program using processing (JAVA) + GLSL shaders. This unique two minute and twenty-two seconds real-time generative render (animation 027, variable/shader set 007), is a code base consisting of 9825 lines of code that Davis has been working on for almost a decade.
Because this is an algorithmic generative piece of software, it is not limited to a fixed timeline of animation, it can create an infinite length of animation and generate rendered stills infinitely like the pattern of a snowflake where no two visual compositions would ever be the same. When a video is rendered, the viewer experiences a window of time from the software's infinite system.
Please note this lot is accompanied by the below physical artwork.
the V01D / 027-007
digital print with hand drawn silver reflective geometry, on canvas
54 x 38 in. (137.2 x 96.5 cm.)
Lot 10 of the auction.
Next Wave: The New York Edit showcases a curated group of artists at the forefront of digital art today. Working with a diverse range of mediums, spanning generative art and AI generated photography to on-chain art and digital abstract expressionism, each artist has crafted a signature style that is widely recognized in the digital art space.
The online auction for this exhibition was from 12 – 19 April 2023.