Vodník (1942) - 1
Vodník (1942)
Token ID
Josef Lada
ETH 0x037BA2270501a706996D1b5f536c6822e75EE66a

Non-Fungible Castle 2022 explores how blockchain technology can be used to rediscover, share, and preserve our cultural identities. The exhibition created and exhibited NFTs to represent different artistic forms of expression, serving as a permanent cultural record and fostered a platform to discuss how the art world can use blockchain technology to celebrate our heritage, build a community of cultural stewards, and encourage storytelling to reconnect with our cultural roots.

Oct 27, 2022 - Nov 13, 2022
Lobkowicz Palace
Prague, Czech Republic

This unique NFT serves as a virtual certificate of ownership of the real-world painting Vodník" by Josef Lada created in 1942. After the minting process the first buyer of the NFT will receive the original real-world artwork. About the artwork: This painting of a "Vodník" (waterman) represents the essence of his approach to art and is one of the most widespread depictions he ever created. The painting dates to 1942a year that was highly important for Lada from an artistic point of view. He devoted himself to themes related to melancholynight and the tearful atmosphere that extends into this work with a precisely thought-out compositional structure. "Vodník" smoking a pipe and sitting on a "revived" willow with a lonely cottage in the back is illuminated both from the front and the back by the Moon. Behind the hut extends a shaded and undulating background of dense and dark forest with ruins on a hill. The composition ends with the night skywhich is again illuminated by the Moon and partially hidden by clouds. Lada was able to bring a strong sensuality to his workwhich is enhanced by such a detail as a trickling drop from "Vodník's" green coat. About the artist: Josef Lada is one of the most important Czech artistswhose fame has gone beyond the borders of the Czechoslovakia already in the interwar period (e.g.the high praise from Pablo Picasso). Today he ranks among the most distinctive and expressive European cartoonists of the first half of the 20th century. In his homeland he is perhaps the most popular painter in history. Lada's concepts became so popular that they are part of a wide cultural consciousness. The artistic designsimple and refined at the same timemade him a timeless artist combining modernism and local legends."

Verify List
Jake Al-Haffar
ETH 0xDeb3d2C0a5436c03d3e777B514C9e7705BC9A040
Non-Fungible Castle
ETH lobkowicz.eth
Josef Lada
ETH 0x037BA2270501a706996D1b5f536c6822e75EE66a