I have an insatiable curiosity, and because of that curiosity, I collect images. Images help me find and realize ideas.
Every day, I look at hundreds of very different, contrasting images.
I pinch details from them.
I'm the kind of person that picks and eats from other people's plates.
I'm like a fox or a bear, a raccoon, or even a snake.
I get into the garbage cans.
If I like an image, and it speaks to me, I understand it.
And if I understand it, it's mine.
I mine the neglected and the concealed; the erotic and the occulted.
My paintings are not painted. I brew them.
As I brew, the mood grows on me.
There are certain images which will grab me and cut me without warning, and I immediately want to paint them.
But that excitement and possibility lies in the working, and only in the working.
It's all to do with vanity, and chance.
All good ideas arrive by chance.
I have to hope that my instincts will do the right thing, because I can’t erase what I've done.
I paint to excite myself.
The mystery lies in the irrationality by which you make appearance.
The job of the artist, then, is always to deepen the mystery.
An exhibition held with Mirage Gallery AI during Rome Art Week 2022 to celebrate and show digital art by Mirage Gallery artist collaborators.