
hieroglyphica is a self-taught coder and generative artist. His work explores the emergent beauty revealed through the evolution of complex dynamic systems. hieroglyphica has been making generative art since 2005, although it was only after discovering the NFT art community in February 2022 that he began publicly releasing his work. His pieces can currently be found on fxhash and OBJKT. A graduate of Harvard University and the MFA writing program at the University of Arizona, hieroglyphica has worked for the past 16 years as a tutor and Academic Director of Palm Beach International Academy, where he teaches, among other subjects, computer science and statistics. He lives in West Palm Beach, FL with his wife, two children, and uncommonly eccentric house cat.

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A conversation between the digital and the physical and 2023 Crypto Art Award Shortlist, The Lumen Prize.

“The poem-object is a composition that aims to combine resources from poetry and the visual arts, and to contemplate their capacity for mutual exaltation.”
— André Breton

Poème Objkt is a conversation between poetry and the visual arts brought to life through the liminal play of the physical and the digital. As contemporary expressions of Breton’s poem-object, the pieces in this exhibition present works of poetry, experimental writing and literature on the blockchain that enhance, reinvent and reimagine the relationship between the text and the image, the analog and the digital, ultimately opening up a space for dialogue that blurs and challenges the lines that divide.

This co-curation with L'Avant Galerie Vossen and theVERSEverse in Paris materializes in two parts:

Part 1 opened in October 2022. L’Avant Galerie Vossen and theVERSEverse curated the works of Sasha Stiles, Ross Goodwin, Ana María Caballero, aurèce vettier, Campbell McGrath, Robness, Kalen Iwamoto, Julien Silvano, Jason Sholl, and Saul Steinberg.

This first exhibition’s curatorial framework falls along the following lines:

Part 2 takes place May 2023 at Librairie Métamorphoses in Paris, with a section of the exhibition taking place at L’Avant Galerie Vossen.



Exhibition view © Photo: Jean-Louis Losi

Oct 22, 2022 - Nov 19, 2022
l’Avant Galerie Vossen
Paris, France