Lettres à ma mère (1981-1990)
My mother had a pretty writing; A bit gothic also a bit hysterical. At the beginning of each line, on the left side, the writing was regular, strict, gothic, but as the line progressed towards the side of the page, it became more and more nervous, worried, almost hysterical.
Gradually, as the years passed, the letters became quite twisted, disturbed. Slowly the Gothic disappeared and only hysteria remained. The color of the writing also changed. At the beginning of our correspondence, she used light blue ink, the color of her eyes. Over the years, this blue has gradually turned into black.
She wrote to me every week, and it was a series of events in my visual world; her letters were less and less legible but so beautiful to see. Finally, I received nothing more) Since I write to myself, I simulate to myself — on the computer — his hysterical gothic letters…/…
Photo credit : Oniris.art
An online and physical survey/group show of text-based physical artworks by TheVERSEverse in partnership with L'Avant Galerie and Librairie Métamorphoses.
This is Part 2 of an exhibition. Part 1 "Poème Objkt", a conversation between poetry and the visual arts brought to life through the liminal play of the physical and the digital, opened in October 2022 at L’Avant Galerie Vossen.
2023 Crypto Art Award Shortlist, The Lumen Prize.